Mukisa OVC VSLA group is one of the groups that are in the second cycle (saving for the second time), the group consists of 30 members with an established management committee. They sit every Friday at the treasurer’s home in Kyungu. The group went ahead and registered their association in November 2018.
Mukisa OVC VSLA group is one of the groups that are in the second cycle (saving for the second time), the group consists of 30 members with an established management committee. They sit every Friday at the treasurer’s home in Kyungu. The group went ahead and registered their association in November 2018.
The chairperson Mrs. Nazziwa Esther puts it clear that the cooperation in the group has enabled them to complete their second cycle of saving. This group shared out their money on 22nd December 2019 and they had raised (twelve millions) 12,000,000/-. All the members invested their savings in their already existing small scale businesses. As result of steadiness and togetherness, 5 new members joined Makula group totaling to 35. The group plans to purchase rental chairs and start a business to earn profits and also increase on their capital base.